What can be treated, the fungus can be on the legs

Almost every person asked at least once in life: how and what to treat the fungus on the legs? Because fungal diseases prone to many people. The symptoms of fungus of the foot, usually affect soles of the feet the spaces between the toes. In the course of time, the infection on the nails yellow, brittle and rough. There are many drugs antifungal activity in the Form of creams, Sprays and lacquers, the effective therapeutic components. The early beginning of the therapy, you can quickly get rid of this disease.

Fungus Foot

What are the symptoms of foot and nail fungus?

Fungus and bacteria are the most common cause of inflammation of the legs and arms. Fungus — a very common disease, it is believed that it affects up to 20% of the world's population. The risk factors for the development of such changes are: advanced age, weakening of the immune system due to chronic diseases or taking immunosuppressive drugs, Diabetes mellitus, frequent injuries to the foot and toes, as well as the non-observance of the Hygiene.

The cause of Tinea Corporis legs are the most common dermatophytes of the genus Trichophyton, a rare yeast-fungus-bacteria. Typical symptoms of nail fungus:

  • Itching of the skin;
  • burn;
  • Redness;
  • Desquamation;
  • cornification disorders of the skin;
  • cracking skin on the feet, especially in the area of the soles of the feet;
  • Mat, yellow nails.

The first symptoms of a fungal infection of the feet, appear mostly on the smooth skin of the legs, usually in the spaces between the fingers, in which warm, moist environment. Fungal infection spreads to other areas of the skin of the feet, then goes on the nails, starting from the free edge, then the entire nail plate covers.

Accordingly, immediate treatment in the early stages of the disease to avoid in many cases, the serious consequences for the feet and nails, and a long and difficult process prevents the treatment of athlete's foot pedis and onychomycosis in the advanced stage.

The treatment of fungal infection of the feet and the nails

The treatment of fungal infections of feet and nails is usually a long process. The easiest way is, of course, treat the fungus in an early stage of its development. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor the occurring changes on the skin of the legs.

In the first Phase of the development of the disease, there are great opportunities to cure the fungus by drugs for local use only.

the treatment of a fungus

If you take any changes in the area of the toes or soles of quick treatment with the use of antifungal drugs should.

In this case, the assistance comes in a wide range of drugs with antifungal activity, including many of the resources for treatment available without prescription in pharmacies. You can choose the preparations for the treatment in the Form of a Spray, cream or colorless nail Polish.

Apart from the antifungal activity they exercise, and anti-bacterial protection. There is a remedy against mildew legs, contains herbal ingredients, which reduce the sweating of the feet and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. In turn antifungal nail Polish nail plate provides the necessary care, contains vitamins, strengthens the structure of the nail, to its restoration.

Drugs against fungal foot and toe nails

In the composition of the drugs with the antifungal activity includes:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Vegetable oils: tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme extract, an anti-bacterial and soothing effect.
  3. Vitamins: Vitamin E, Vitamin B5, which strengthens effectively influence the condition of the nails, their structure and resistance to damage.

In cases of advanced stage of the development of a fungal infection of the feet and nails, you may have to the inclusion in the treatment and oral medications. The decision on the application of this type of therapy, the physician shall, after the examination of the patient, and the study of the history of his illness.

Homemade ways to treat a fungus of the feet and the nails

If you assume that you start the presence of fungal infection of the feet and the nails, you can treat yourself to a fungal infection with the help of Home methods. In the framework of such a therapy, means that in most households.

Soaking the feet in a solution of drops of vinegar with water (in the ratio 1:1) the skin back to its normal pH, and protects against bacteria and fungi. The process is desirable several times a day, it should take a minimum of 10 or a few tens of minutes. After you extract the feet from the basin, thoroughly wipe with a clean cloth.

Useful is the use of topically or orally garlic, because it contains Phytonzide, the bacteria resistant. A positive effect of its oral consumption and the ointment in the places changed and the ground areas of the skin or nails can exert on a regular basis.

Effective remedy for nail fungus — an Infusion of rosemary, hops cones, Aloe. The mixture of herbs with boiling water and infuse for a few minutes, then use to soak the feet.

In the case of extensive low-in the skin of the foot and the nails were necessary to the doctor-dermatologist.

How to prevent athlete's foot and nails?

Fungus of the feet and finger nails is a disease of a prolonged character, process and its treatment difficult. Often people do not realize that the daily, wrong habits significantly increase the risk of infection. Prevention of fungal infections of the feet and nails, especially the observance of some important rules of Hygiene.

Prevention of mildew

Avoid borrowing and to try someone else's shoes, the purchase of second-hand shoes, because the shoes — it is a great place for the development of fungal bacteria. The people suffering from athlete's foot, and nails, let you in the shoes of many spores of bacteria, which with ease to move to the new one, even if only temporarily, the owner of the shoes. This is a direct way to the development of the infection.

It is the prophylactic use of a Spray for the legs is recommended. Such Tools not only work as antiperspirants, but also have natural anti-bacterial. The daily use of deodorant for the feet, reduces the risk of fungal infections. Another method for reducing sweating, Gel for the feet, which as a Deodorant.

We recommend the use of earplugs in the shoes, wearing cotton socks — this will reduce the sweating of the feet, which creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi. Cotton socks suck the moisture well, it should be noted that in the case of a strong athlete's foot, you must change it to clean several times throughout the day. Available in the sale and the socks with the antifungal activity of the silver ions in addition with anti-bacterial properties.

Choose comfortable, light and appropriate boots Shoe is too small cause micro-traumas in the skin of the feet and nails that are an easy "prey" for a fungal infection.

There are individual toilet articles, towels, wash cloths, sponges is recommended, because all these objects of fungus spores can remain. Towels patients need to be washed at a maximum temperature of the water.

Use pool always Slippers or Slippers in the pool, under the shower or in the Sauna, since the contact of the feet with the ground, can also be a source of fungal infection.

In hotel rooms, dormitories, Solarium and even walk on a dry floor or carpet of a threat to the skin of the feet.

The disease can be prevented, and regular nail trimming, as well as under the long fingers to multiply fungus-bacteria nails active.

By adhering to these simple tips, you can maximize protect disease before fungus. Stay healthy!